Restore romance culture one relationship at a time.

Romance culture is about more than just love and relationships. It forms the foundation for our very Western way of life.

Today the West is in trouble

With every day that goes by the Western world seems more and more troubled by all manner of social, political and economic problems.  Problems around dating and gender tensions being among those social problems. Believe it or not all of these problems are actually interrelated and intertwined. This is since society essentially begins with the interactions of one or more people. So, if this interaction is dysfunctional, then society at large will become reflective of this dysfunction, rendering a dysfunctional society. 

The good thing is that this kind of dysfunction can be corrected with culture given that this is the very purpose of culture: to create a functional society through the culture’s functional ways. Consequently, by addressing one issue with culture, like our relationships, this has the effect of addressing all the other dysfunctions consequential to that first dysfunction. 

More than just a romantic coach

My interests in people, society – coaching – didn’t start out with romance culture. My interests first started out with economics and politics. Then later anthropology: basically, the history and evolution of culture. This I studied in order to understand the underpinnings for political and economic issues that perplex, not just myself, but even scholars. It is through this interdisciplinary approach that I developed a keen understanding of all the problems – social, economic and political – that are today becoming increasingly disruptive in all of our lives.

Today understanding these issues has ceased to be a past time of scholars and is instead becoming a challenge regular people are themselves having to undertake as they desperately try to find solutions for the problems these issues create in their lives. However, without understanding these issues holistically through an interdisciplinary approach, they will be hard to understand. And when a problem is hard to understand it can’t be solved since the first step to solving a problem is to first understand it very well. 

While my coaching is geared to addressing relationships, love and dating, it will also incorporate a holistic understanding of these challenges society faces today. This is since, to navigate today’s complex social environment, one must first understand it. Consequently, it comes to form part of lesson plan.

One relationship at a time...

In the romance culture it is women who prepare men since it is the mother who prepares her children to face the challenges of this world. It’s the reason men of the romance culture have great affection and respect for their mothers. In short, women prepare, men protect. Part of this preparation involves transmitting the culture to the next generation in order to perpetuate it. Considering this it’s perfectly normal for women, whether she be a mother or a peer, to instruct men on culture. It is primarily through women that a culture is transmitted. Consequently, when she fails to do this, the culture dies. While coaching is an unconventional way to transmit culture, it’s a way to do it none the less. It’s my goal to continue to fulfill this very important role in transmitting culture to others, be it through coaching or through the book I’ve written on romance culture.

While romantic coaching involves addressing factors specifically relating to dating and love, it does so within the context of the culture, enabling the individual to learn the culture at the same time. This culture which forms the very foundation for Western culture and all of its products like liberty, human rights, democracy and more. So, as you incorporate romance culture into your life you won’t just be improving your love life, you’ll contribute to the salvation the Western world.